Tax Services

1099 Filing Services

If you have vendors, contractors, or service providers that you need to file & issue 1099s to, we got you covered with our 1099 Filing service. No fuss, no muss.

How it works:

Book a “kick off” appointment. The kick off is when we will get the ball rolling on the project. 

At kick off, you’ll provide us your list of 1099 vendors, the amounts to report, and their W-9s (you’ll receive an email walking you through the process).

Once we receive the information, we’ll electronically file the 1099s with the IRS (and state, if applicable), and send your vendors their copy. We’ll also provide you with a report of what was filed, along with the copies.

NOTE: We file 1099s all year round so you can get 1099s filed for past years, too. However, if you want to ensure that the 1099s are filed by the deadline, we suggest you book your kick off appointment before January 14 following the tax year and have all the information ready to upload (we’ll give you an email in advance so you know what to expect).

But what if you’re not sure who you need file 1099s for? We still got you covered with our 1099 Candidate Analysis. We’ll review your transactions and determine which of your vendors you should tracking for 1099s.

Book a “kick off” appointment. The kick off is when we will get the ball rolling on the project. 

At kick off, we’ll ask you for the year-to-date transaction detail for all of your expenses in an Excel format, and W-9s (if you’ve already collected from your vendors). 

Once we receive the information, we’ll analyze the transactions to determine your 1099 candidates. We’ll send you a spreadsheet with which vendors to track for 1099s, and which vendors you should be collecting W-9s from. All you have to do is plug in the final year-end amounts and outstanding W-9 information for each vendor, and the spreadsheet will tell you exactly which vendors to file 1099s for, and which type of 1099 to file, INCLUDING any potential vendors you hired after the project is completed.

NOTE: We offer this service. However, we don’t recommend booking too early in the year, because there’s less information to work with.. The 3rd quarter of the year is usually a good time for us to capture as many of your .  if you want to ensure that the 1099s are filed by the deadline, we suggest you book your kick off appointment before January 14 following the tax year and have all the information ready to upload (we’ll give you an email in advance so you know what to expect).

NOTE: A $45 deposit is required at scheduling to save your spot.


  • 1099 filing: $150.00 up to 10 forms, $15 per additional form
  • 1099 filing + Tax ID # verification:  $180.00 up to 10 forms, $18 per additional form


Income Tax Return Services

Income tax filing has to be the WORST thing about the season. And for business owners? The extra tax complications is enough to send your stress levels off the scales? So why not let us handle the filing for you? 

How it works:

Schedule a “kick off” appointment. The kick off is when we will start the process of getting those returns filed.

At the kick off, we’ll email you to let you know what information is needed to complete the returns. These will be things like your business financial statements, tax forms, and the previous year’s tax return(s). (We’ll also send you a tax organizer in advance so you have plenty of time to get everything ready).

Once we receive and review the information, then prepare the tax returns (Federal and state, if applicable). In the meantime, you just enjoy a worry-free filing season.

We’ll let you know when the returns are ready so that you can schedule a video conference call to review your return with us and get any of your questions answered “face to face”. Then once you sign off, we’ll get those returns e-filed and provide you with a signed copy.


  • S corp return: $1,895
  • S corp return + personal return: $2,425
  • Schedule C (self-employed) + personal return: $1,150
  • Additional Schedule C forms and Schedule E forms: $750 per form

S Corp Election Setup

No doubt S Corp is one of the top tax strategies for business owners–it can save them up TENS of THOUSANDS of dollars in taxes. Per year. But as a wise woman once said, “with great power comes great responsibility”. It’s not just a matter making an election and letting those savings roll in. You also need to take all the necessary steps to stay compliant year after year.

When you choose our S Corp Election Setup service, e’ll not only set up your S corp, we’ll also hook you up with the tools to help you maximize your tax savings and maintain your newfound tax status so you stay within the IRS rules and regulations.

How it works:

Schedule a video conference meeting. The kick off is when we will start the process of calculating your reasonable salary for the tax year.

At kick off, we’ll send you an email guiding you through the steps to get this project going. This email will include a questionnaire and request list for items needed to calculate a salary tailored around you. (We’ll also send this list ahead of time so you can prepare in advance). Once we receive everything, give us about a week to formulate your salary.

We’ll let you know when the job is completed so you schedule a video conference meeting. At the meeting, we’ll discuss our calculations, how we support the calculations as reasonable, and how the salary we formulated is expected to affect your tax savings. We’ll also answer any questions you might have

After the meeting, we’ll provide you with a PDF report for your own records and substantiation. 

Price: $895

S Corp Reasonable Salary Calculation

The more your business makes, the more an S corp should be saving you in taxes.

At least, that’s the way we feel around these parts. That’s why we’re not just going to spit out a salary amount based on a generic percentage of income. Or simply look up the average CEO salary for a “similar” business. Sure, that would make our job easier. But using old, lazy methods like these tend to result in “reasonable” salaries that actually eat into your tax savings. And doesn’t that defeat the whole point an S corp election?

With our S Corp Reasonable Salary Calculation, we take a holistic approach. When we calculate your salary for the current tax year, we look at your income, your growth, you goals, and your unique tax situation. And we take all of that, along with IRS data and industry data to methodically calculate a wage that will allow you to optimize your tax benefits while still justifying it as a reasonable salary for the tax year.

How it works:

No doubt S Corp is one of the top tax strategies for business owners–it can save them up TENS of THOUSANDS of dollars in taxes. Per year. But as a wise woman once said, “with great power comes great responsibility”. It’s not just a matter making an election and letting those savings roll in. You also need to take all the necessary steps to stay compliant year after year.

When you choose our S Corp Election Setup service, e’ll not only set up your S corp, we’ll also hook you up with the tools to help you maximize your tax savings and maintain your newfound tax status so you stay within the IRS rules and regulations.

Price: $795

Tax & Klatch (Business Tax Intensive)

Bring your burning tax questions, your notebook, and your favorite caffeine fix. We’ll bring the answers and the expertise. Tax & Klatch is a business tax intensive session tailored around you. You’ll come out of the meeting with a whole new confidence about taxes…and maybe a little caffeine buzzed.

How it works:

Schedule a Tax & Klatch appointment.

Before the appointment, we’ll send you a questionnaire for you to complete in advance. This helps us focus the meeting on what matters most to you. You’ll let us know what you want to get out of the session, and all your questions, whatever it is you want to discuss. These could be things like

  • Knowing what expenses you can deduct…
  • Evaluating and reassessing your business tax treatment…
  • Business retire plans…
  • How much to put aside for taxes…
  • Hiring your kids or family members…
  • Understanding which of your vendors are candidates for 1099s…
  • More insight on a particular tax deduction or strategy…
  • Honestly, anything business tax related.

At the appointment, we’ll have a video conference call (up to 60 minutes). We’ll share our insights with you and answer your questions, so that you leave empowered to level up your tax game.

After the appointment, we’ll send you the session notes and reports so you can always refer back to it.

NOTE: 50% of fee is required at scheduling to save your spot.

Price: $495/session

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